Setting up for Metagenome functions

by Maria Jane Poncardas

written: September 4, 2019


  1. Download Oracle virtual box from > VirtualBox 6.0.8 platform packages > Windows hosts.

  2. Install the Virtual Box (which was downloaded from step 1). You would receive a warning, but do skip ahead.

  3. Download the 64-bit QIIME Virtual Box, which is linked from Grab the latest QIIME Virtual Box image, in our case, QIIME 1.9.1 64-bit. Its file size is around 4GB. This is downloaded as a compressed file, hence you need to unzip it. You should see a red cube icon for this file and is a VDI file extension (Virtual disk image).

  4. Launch the installed Virtual box (from step 2) and create a new machine by pressing the “New” button.

    1. A new window will show up and then click ‘Next’

    2. Select the Linux as operating system and Ubuntu (64 bit) as its version, then proceed.

    3. Select the amount of RAM (memory), in our case, we allocated 4GB (from a 16GB RAM machine).

    4. Select “Use existing hard drive, and click the folder icon next to the selector. Click “Add”, and then select the QIIME hard drive that was downloaded from step 3.

    5. Click Finish.

  5. Select the virtual machine and give a name to it, (e.g. QIIME), and boot it for the first time by clicking on the “Start” button on the top panel.

  6. Now install QIIME inside this virtual machine (Ubuntu 64 bit).

    1. Click on the “Devices” on the topmost menu inside the Linux machine, then select Insert Guest Additions CD image. Basically, they have a CD in this virtual computer.

    2. A new window appears and simply click Run.

    3. Another prompt is expected to open as it will request a password. Just type, “qiime”, in all lower case letters to authenticate.

    4. Once done, click on the CD icon on the left side panel of the Ubuntu and it will show the contents of the CD. After this, also open the terminal.

    5. Inside the terminal, type in “sudo”, without the quotation marks, and on the folder in step d., drag over the VBoxLinuxAdditions (this file name may vary over time).

    6. In the terminal line, remove the apostrophes before and after the file name and then press Enter.

    7. It will ask you to write the password for qiime. Enter the same password as mentioned above (step c). This will not show you asterisks or any typical way on typing passwords. And click enter after that.

    8. Shut down your virtual machine. Make sure that it is powered off inside the Oracle VM virtual machine.

  7. Create a Shared folder that you can use to transfer files to and from your virtual machine.

    1. Click on the Shared Folders inside the Oracle VM.

    2. Click on the blue envelop button with a green cross in it.

    3. On the “Folder Path”, select the location which you could transfer your files to your virtual machine and make sure that the “Folder Name” is named as “Shared_Folder”, following the exact capitalizations.

    4. Once you open your QIIME virtual machine, you should see the changes on the folder appearance of the Shared_Folder on the Desktop.

  8. Now, it is recommended to install the Miniconda which could hold the Bioconda library. The easiest way to install PICRUSt is using the bioconda. This Bioconda supports only 64-bit Linux and Mac OSX. (see

citation: Grüning, Björn, Ryan Dale, Andreas Sjödin, Brad A. Chapman, Jillian Rowe, Christopher H. Tomkins-Tinch, Renan Valieris, the Bioconda Team, and Johannes Köster. 2018. “Bioconda: Sustainable and Comprehensive Software Distribution for the Life Sciences”. Nature Methods, 2018 doi:10.1038/s41592-018-0046-7.

  1. Inside the virtual machine, download Python 2.7 for Linux 64-bit from 

  2. In the terminal, navigate to the downloaded file of miniconda by changing its directory (use cd), and then type in “bash”, without the quotation marks, and type the file name.

  3. Once you are completed, close the terminal.

  1. Then let us install the Bioconda channel through the terminal in this order:

conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge

  1. Install the packages:

conda install bwa

conda install -c bioconda picrust


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